(949) 203-8937

The Process of Garage Door Installation

The first step to install a garage door involves taking precise measurements. These include the width and height of the opening, headroom space above the opening and side room beside it.You then need to attach weather stripping to the bottom edge of your first panel before setting it in place. Once set, partially drive nails into each jamb at an angle to fix it securely while allowing for adjustment later on.

Tools You'll Need

  • A power drill with appropriate bits - This lets you make holes precisely where they're needed without causing damage.
  • A level - Crucial for making sure all elements align perfectly straight; after all no one wants a slanted garage door.
  • Pliers - Handy when bending or cutting small pieces during assembly.

Safety Precautions To Consider

  • Beware spring tension: High-tension springs can be dangerous if not handled properly. Always follow manufacturer instructions closely when installing these components.
  • Ladder Safety: Ensure your ladder is sturdy and positioned correctly before climbing up.
  • Eyes Protection: Don't forget goggles. Drilling can cause tiny fragments to fly.

Despite the fun of DIY, garage door installation is a task that involves risks. But we're here to help. The team at Walsh Garage Door Repair takes care of these hassles for you – safely and efficiently.

The DIY Temptation: Is It Worth It?

You might be thinking about doing DIY repairs as an option to save money. But before you grab those tools and start fixing things up yourself remember this - while YouTube tutorials make everything seem simple enough they often overlook essential safety measures.Critical mistakes during installation or repair can lead not only to costly damages but also pose serious risks like injuries due to improper handling of heavy materials or incorrect use of power tools.

Which Part of the Garage Door that constantly needed to be replaced?

The lifespan of your garage door depends heavily on its parts. But certain components wear out faster due to their role in the operation.

Garage Door Springs

Without a doubt, springs are one of the most frequently replaced parts on a garage door system. These heavy-duty coils bear much of the weight during lifting and lowering phases. They're built tough, but even so, they have a finite life cycle – usually between 7-9 years with normal use (Family Handyman). When you notice slow movement or hear loud noises when operating your door, it's time for spring replacement.


Next up are cables - essential but often overlooked elements in garage doors systems. These steel wires transfer force from springs to lift or lower your door smoothly. Over time though, stress and friction can lead them to fray or snap altogether. To prevent accidents caused by broken cables (Door Doctor), make sure you replace these every few years depending on usage frequency.

Rubber Seal / Weather Stripping

A small yet significant part is rubber seal (or weather stripping). It prevents outside elements like rainwater or pests from entering through gaps around your garage doors edges while maintaining indoor temperature efficiency. However, this protective barrier tends to degrade over time because it’s exposed directly to outdoor conditions which makes frequent replacements necessary.

Sensors / Rollers

Sensors act as safety guards, stopping the door from closing when there's an obstruction in its path. They're located near the ground on either side of your garage entrance. Lastly, we have rollers - these small wheels ensure smooth operation by guiding doors along their tracks during movement phases. But continuous friction causes them to wear out over time making it harder for doors to move efficiently which then puts more strain on other components too.

Contact Us

Walsh Garage Door Repair

Newport Beach, CA

(949) 203-8937

Sunday — Saturday 8:00 – 20:00